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Welcome to Organizing for A New Nigeria (ONN)

Join the Movement today!

Welcome to the ONN Platform

Take A Stand

We invite you to join the movement to birth a New Nigeria.


Link up with fellow Citizens who are committed to birthing a New Nigeria.

Get Involved

Participate in driving development and good governance in your locality.

ONN Values

Infuse core values into into your daily life ensuring that they are not just words but principles actively lived by.

  • Subscribe to the highest Standards of professional and personal conduct
  • Ensure these values guide your daily conduct as no country can develop beyond the quality of the humanity of its citizens.

The ONN M.A.I.N Model


Using digital technology and through various activities and events, to mobilize and organize young people to be- lieve in and work toward realizing a NEW NIGERIA. The platform will afford passionate and committed Nigerians to contribute to the development of the country.


Galvanizing public support for the realization of projects, policy and legal frameworks that are required for development and good governance. We will work with various organs and institutions of government including the legislature, executive, judiciary, ministries, MDAs to ensure their re- sponsiveness to the yearnings of the people.


Mobilizing youth energy and resources to address pressing governance issues in our communities, thereby affording young people the opportunity to contribute directly to the development of their communities and demonstrating what good governance looks like.


Creating platforms where an army of young people would be groomed, mentored, prepared and positioned to make meaningful contribution to the development of Nigeria in different sectors as change agents.

Let’s Find the Right Community for You!

Join an ONN State Chapter and find like minded individuals that are passionate about building A New Nigeria

Take the Next Steps towards Connecting with other Change Makers

Our objective is to re-ignite active citizenship and fresh zest amongst Nigeria’s literate youth and grassroots communities for civic participation.

ONN Ambassadors

Industry experts, leaders and mentors that inspire our cause.

Debola Deji-Kurunmi

Cynthia Mbamalu

Sa'adatu Hamu-Aliyu